Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The other day, Esther commented that she was "really enjoying" my blog. But I knew this was not a stand alone compliment... there was a qualified "but" coming. Sure enough, here it came: ". . . but can you write some more personal stuff about us and the baby?"

What???!!! Wifey, you crazy. How is my take on annoying television commercials and the harmful effects of video games not personal enough? Do these posts not give the reader a window into my inner soul? What more do I have to do? (Sigh) . . . I knew this "exclusive creative control" clause to my blog had an expiration date. I just didn’t know it would be this soon.

But giving it more thought, I guess Esther has a point. According to the baby tracker on my iGoogle page, there are only 67 days left until the scheduled birth of our child. Only two months and a week left and I haven’t blogged about the pregnancy at all. I obviously can’t post any photos of my daughter now, but what I can do is post photos of the baby’s development in Esther’s body and post photos of my wife in the various stages of her pregnancy. I relayed the idea to Esther and she was thrilled! Because I knew Esther would murder me if I published certain pregnancy photos of her without her prior consent, I told her that she should select the ones she wants to share and e-mail them to me.

It has been several days now and I have not received those photos by e-mail. It has been a week since my last blog entry and my readers are getting antsy and impatient. So I’ve decided to just go ahead and post photos that I feel accurately depict the development of Esther’s pregnancy. Because my wife failed to send me photos in a timely manner, I will use pictures of inanimate objects instead:

(Isn't pregnancy just the most beautiful process you've ever seen?)


  1. Hey! I'm not that big!! it's also not nice to call your wife, 'a little bit fat'.

  2. HAHAHAH. aus, ur in trouble when u get home tonight. good thing your sofa is comfy.

  3. I ain't scared of Esther. I'm too quick for her now. She'll try to chase me around the dining room table and get gassed halfway. mwahahaha...

  4. omg, austin. i think your wife ranked you appropriately on our scale of "holiness" haha.

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're dead.

  6. haha...poor austin...it costs a lot to speak your mind

  7. I agree with Austin. This blog was initially created after your persistence and yet he isn't allowed to express himself enough to adequately satisfy my comic relief for my grueling week. Austin's freedom to write takes absolute precedence over the subject of the future Chung family's concerns. I'm sure after the day Ella breaks forth into this world, he will share endless anecdotes of how precious she is and etc. but for now, please let me continue embarrassing myself by LOLing in the computer lab while reading the newest article of Gibby's Limp.

  8. Hi Austin ^ ^ This is Jenn (Joe's gf in case you forgot) I just wanted to say "hello" to both you and Esther because I have not seen either of you for a long time. I'm really excited for the both of you and don't forget... if you ever need a baby-sitter call me~!


  10. I think Esther is the cutest pregnant mommy ever! =)
